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What is Tier 2?


Tier 2 in PBIS are intensive or targeted interventions to support students who are not responding to Tier 1 or school wide interventions.  Supports are more intensive since a smaller number of students requiring services are at risk for engaging in more serious problem behavior and need a little more support.




Wolf Tracks


Wolf Tracks is a Tier 2 PBIS Intervention that improves student learning and builds positive relationships.  A student who participates in Wolf Tracks is assigned a learning coach that he meets with at the beginning and end of each day.  In the morning the learning coach provides a little TLC, reviews the student’s learning goals for the day, and provides him with his Woodland Way Wolf Tracks (daily progress monitoring sheet).  The student then connects with his teachers at selected times during the day for positive prompts and feedback on how he is doing on achieving his goals.  An individual student checks in 7 times a day.  His learning goals focus on our schools Woodland Way expectations of responsibility, respect, honesty and kindness.  A couple examples of goals are:  to be prepared for class (responsibility) and follow the teacher’s direction (respect).  At the end of the day a student meets with his learning coach again to review the day, highlight success, and provide positive problem solving for situations that may have presented a challenge or got in the way of the learning during the day. The student takes home a daily update for his parents and parents are encouraged to write a positive note to send back with their child the next day.  A student who checks in and out every day receives a Woodland Way Bucket slip for demonstrating responsibility and has a chance to win an extra reward as part of our Universal Tier 1 PBIS efforts. 


A student tries to earn at least 80% of his possible points each day.   The student also works with his learning coach to set a long term goal like earning 80% of his possible points for 5 to 8 days.  When a student reaches his long term goal, he can celebrate with an individual reward like having extra gym time with a friend and Mrs. Hermus, helping Mr. Bill (our fabulous custodian) for 20 minutes, or be a guest reader in a different classroom.  Or, a student can chose to celebrate with his entire class.  A classroom reward is earned by meeting a long term goal 4 times and includes a meeting with the principal after they reach their 3rd goal for a little way-to-go/keep up the good work!


The student’s daily points are recorded into SWIS (School-Wide Information System) and are reviewed every 2 weeks by our PBIS Tier 2 and shared with parents and teachers.  Successful students’ begin to transition to self-monitoring with support and then eventually using the skills independently.  If a student is unsuccessful the Tier 2 team and teachers take a closer look at the data, what is working, and what needs to be changed so that the student is successful.


Wolf Tracks Tier 2 PBIS Intervention:


  • Improves learning (academics, behavior, and social/emotional)

  • Provides feedback and adult support on a regular basis (build positive relationships)

  • Improves and establishes daily home/school communication and collaboration

  • Improves student organization and motivation

  • Helps students to self-monitor and make good decisions

  • Helps students internalize success while developing goal setting skills

  • Gets students involved and excited about school, while enjoying the structure, support, and incentives of the intervention (Engages students/FUN)

  • Helps student develop responsible behaviors, habits, and effort

  • Improves student accountability


Click below to watch a quick flick about PBIS Tier 2 Wolf Tracks:


Wolf Tracks Movie



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